
Brushless Motor-Driver Eval Board Empowers Advanced Product Designs | Electronic Design

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The STEVAL-SPIN3204 three-phase brushless dc motor driver board from STMicroelectronics is based on the STSPIN32F0B three-phase BLDC controller with triple half-bridge gate driver, single-shunt-resistor current-sensing topology, and programmable overcurrent protection. The motor controller system-in-package uses an STM32F031C6 MCU that's able to execute six-step FOC and other advanced driving algorithms. Blender Mixer

The board helps you evaluate motor-control designs for applications such as power tools, home appliances, fans, and pumps, with an evaluation platform that allows you to toggle between external sensor and sensorless position feedback data methods.

Solar Bldc Driver For more Kit Close-up videos, CLICK HERE.